<aside> <img src="/icons/exclamation-mark_gray.svg" alt="/icons/exclamation-mark_gray.svg" width="40px" /> This is a premium resource! 99% of the tools on Loreteller are free, but this one is especially awesome.




Use the ultimate character personality model to bring your writing to life, sourced and synthesized from decades of personality research.

Introducing the Character Personality Model, a tool designed to help writers bring their characters to life with a deep understanding of their personality.

The Character Personality Model is based on decades of research and synthesizes the HEXACO model of personality structure and the NERIS Personality Model to provide a framework for understanding how traits affect a character's relationships with the outside world. With the Character Personality Model you'll be able to easily visualize and understand your characters' traits and how they may express themselves through their actions and interactions.

The Character Personality Model also includes four Affects (Direction, Energy, etc) and eight archetypes (Menace, Saint, Tactician, etc) to help round out your characters and make them feel fully realized. Plus, with each trait having a direct opposite, you'll be able to create dynamic contrasts within your work.

Don't waste any more time struggling to define your characters. Get the Character Personality Model today and bring them to life! Simply click "I want this" to get started. For the price of just a couple cups of coffee, you can have access to this invaluable resource and take your characters to the next level.